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The Webster Five Foundation Donates $218,500 to 70 Non-profits in 2020

(December 9, 2020) Webster, MA –

The Webster Five Foundation announced that it donated $218,500 to 70 local non-profit organizations in 2020 as part of the Web of Caring to Make a Difference program. The Foundation made many donations this year that continue to have a significant impact on Worcester-area communities, especially in a year that has proved difficult for fundraising efforts due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since its inception, the Foundation has donated more than $3.1 million to a range of local organizations. The four donations highlighted below exemplify how some of the funds donated in 2020 are utilized by the Webster Five Foundation’s community partners to continue to make a substantial difference in the quality of life of local diverse populations.

In January 2020, the Foundation granted Worcester Community Housing Resources $8,000 to support various community development initiatives currently underway throughout Worcester County, including the operation of 112 units of family apartments and group homes in addition to a 78 unit assisted living facility. Worcester Community Housing Resources’ mission is to create and preserve affordable housing opportunities for low to moderate income households and to initiate and support neighborhood revitalization throughout Worcester County.

In April 2020, the Foundation granted Shrewsbury Youth and Family Services $5,000 to fund ongoing support for their expansive program this year focusing on the areas of teen suicide prevention, acute and chronic mental health issues and teen substance use treatment. Shrewsbury Youth and Family Services’ mission is to strengthen families by working collaboratively to provide affordable counseling services, positive youth development programs, case management for disadvantaged families and individuals, prevention and education programs, in addition to grief and LGBTQ support groups.

Also, in April 2020, the Foundation granted Living in Freedom Together, Inc. $4,000 to help fund programming expenses related to the organizations’ Drop-In Center. Living In Freedom Together is a survivor-led organization comprised of those who have overcome systems of prostitution and their allies and provides a blend of community programs including direct services, community awareness and education in addition to advocacy for public policy. Its Drop-In Center provides individuals with access to medical and mental health services, including onsite care options and treatment referrals in addition to other direct services.

In October 2020, the Foundation granted Nichols College $8,000 to assist in subsidizing the wages of approximately 20 students working at the Boys & Girls Club of Webster-Dudley in 2020 through 2021. One of Nichols College’s community programs is a partnership with the Webster-Dudley Boys & Girls Club in which students serve as tutors and counselors at the Club. The goal of the Boys & Girls Club of Webster-Dudley is to offer a wide variety of recreational, educational and cultural activities for their members.

Donald F. Doyle, President and Chief Executive Officer of Webster Five, stated, “We’re pleased to have the opportunity to provide grants that help support these wonderful non-profit organizations that are deeply dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for those in our community. This year has been uncertain and challenging for many of our non-profit partners, and we would like to recognize and thank them for continuing to meet the needs of our most vulnerable community members.”