PartnerChecking for business
Our premier account for high transaction volume and higher balances. For businesses that typically have high transaction volume and significant account balances, PartnerChecking for Business is the perfect fit. That’s because your transaction and maintenance fees can be offset by an earnings credit allowance.
Features and benefits:
- Debit card
- Individual item fees can be offset by earning credit allowanced (details below)
- No fees at ATMs within SUM network (details below)
- Mobile banking
- Online banking with alerts and reminders
- Online bill pay
- 24/7 telephone banking
- eStatements
Monthly maintenance fee:
$17 (can be offset by an earnings credit allowance).
How earnings credit allowance works.
With earnings credit allowance, the more money you have in your account, the more credit you have to offset transaction fees. Otherwise, the fees are:
- Deposits made $0.80
- Each item deposited $0.15
- Each check paid $0.21
- ACH credit / ACH debit $0.13
The SUM is greater.
Webster Five is part of the SUM network of ATMs. This means you not only get fee-free ATM usage at our ATMs, but at thousands of other bank ATMs across the country as well.
Find a SUM network ATMLeaving Our Website
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WebFive for business

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